Friday, December 6, 2013


I think it is high time I slapped some makeup on this 30 year old face, wore some heels and acted like a lady! Don't get me wrong, I am very feminine, but have been feeling like I need to kick up my womaness a couple notches. I have never really worn makeup besides some Mary Kay in my early 20s (stop laughing, I'm not kidding) so I am far from being a makeup expert. Since losing weight, I feel so much better about myself and want to wear different clothes, higher heels, shorter skirts, etc. (not hoochie short skirts, just to clarify...) But, I really want to feel sexier, more like a woman my age. Sometimes I think I dress like I am still 24 and not in a career for the past 12 years. Get a grip lady, you are a WOMAN! Fix your hair, put on some mascara, wear a pair of heels and don't even think about putting that "I Heart Seth Cohen" shirt on! I can do this, I can do this...

So, makeup experimenting and heels it is! 'Tis the season, right?? This should be fun and interesting and maybe just an experiment that I don't like so much, but I am going at it full force and ready to embrace all that is ME! Look out world, this mascara wearing lady is coming for you!